Two Fish: Engaging Community…Transforming Lives

“As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.” Ecclesiastes 11:5

I tell people all the time, Jennifer and I weren’t sitting around five years ago dreaming about starting and running a food distribution center in Harvest, Alabama. And that is 100% the truth. And that is why House of the Harvest is 100% a work of God. We didn’t envision it. It wasn’t a dream of ours that we worked to bring about. Our plans didn’t say, buy a house, have a child, start a food distribution center. It happened nonetheless, because we don’t know the work of God.

I will tell you what we did...and what I pray we will continue to do always. What we did was meet any need in front of us that we could in any way possible. We were just trying to put peanut butter in a cabinet and get it into the hands that needed it. James says, “If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” He calls that faith without works. We weren’t interested in faith without works.

At the time, our vision was to not let any child go home hungry. God had the vision for House of the Harvest. And so began a change in our lives. A journey of faith and trust. A reliance on God, because clearly, He’s got it. He can work out details in moments that would take man millennia. Believing He will really does move mountains.

So the lesson that we learned...don’t put a ceiling on Him. Don’t put walls around Him. Don’t even try to define Him. Because, “you do not know the work of God who makes everything.”

What does the future hold? What is the vision? The vision is to let the Author do what He does. Trust Him to write the book. And we are going to do what we did from the faithful to meet the need that is immediately before us. There are times when we can, and He honors our faithfulness. There are times when we can’t, and He provides so that we can. Either’s humbling to be a part of.

Our passion is brokenness. Poverty. Children. And we want to walk in the middle of it. Because that is what Jesus did. He healed brokenness by loving it. Drawing into relationship with it and then transforming it. And the Holy Spirit allows us to do the same.

So our vision is to do the same. Walk with the it, be present with it, transform it. If that is as simple as a cup of water...we don’t want anyone to be thirsty. If they are in need of food...we don’t want anyone hungry. If they are sleeping on the floor...we don’t want anyone without a bed. If it’s education...counseling...a home...or even a family...we want to meet that need. And we believe God will use us to meet the ones we can meet, and will meet the ones we can’t Himself.

So far, God has opened doors for two food pantries and a summer academy for at-risk children. We never saw any of it coming. We just stepped in each door He opened. Yes...Solomon summed it up well, “You do not know the work of God who makes everything.”

Our vision is to get out of the way, and be faithful to what He puts before us.

Two Fish is our vehicle to do just that. It is a ministry to the poor, the suffering, the broken of our community. It is preaching the Kingdom of God, expanding the Kingdom of God by being the hands and feet of Jesus. It is transforming lives through the power of God’s love, His Word, and His Spirit. We invite you to join us on our journey and experience the God of the Bible, the God who transforms people, places, and things.

We want to be involved in helping people become the best possible version of themselves. It is our desire to bring transformation to every aspect of humanity that could possibly need transforming. We have summed that up into five components: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. We see these five components in the future of our ministry. We want to be a place that meets needs in these areas for people who are searching. We believe all these pieces are necessary.