Write the Letter

It’s complicated. Really really complicated. But maybe it’s because we make it that way. You know, with all the things that matter to us...chasing our dreams, making a name for ourselves, seeking recognition through our accomplishments, living our “best life.” Maybe...we focus way too much on where we are going, how we are going to get there, and what it’s going to be like when we arrive...only to arrive and set our eyes on the next thing. 

The wife of one of my closest friends sent me a text yesterday asking me to write my friend a letter. He is going on a retreat next weekend, and part of the retreat is reading letters...personal letters, written to him by the people that he means the most to. It’s an honor to be asked. But it made me think, “Why does it need to be a special occasion for me to tell one of my closest friends how much he has meant to me? Is it because I am too busy? Too mentally overwhelmed? Preoccupied? Too focused on what I am doing?”

All those things are probably true in one form or another. But here is the thing...this weekend, we will celebrate the sacrifice of the greatest man to ever walk on the earth. What He did for all humanity will never be matched. The sacrifice He made, nothing can compare too. And for Him, it wasn’t complicated at all. He wasn’t worried about chasing His own dreams or trying to make a name for Himself. He wasn’t seeking any recognition from any men. He gave up His best life...to live the worst possible...for the benefit of everyone else...none of whom were worthy. And then He says, “Follow Me.” 

And so I sat there writing my friend this letter and fighting back tears as my Father gave me all these memories of times that He has used my friend in my life. Good times. Hard times. Precious times. Sacred times. Times when, for my friend, it wasn’t complicated. It was really, really simple. He laid himself down to be there for me. He lost his life in those moments. He followed. 

And then I began to reflect on all the people that God has used in my life and all the ways that He has used them and I decided the tears were good. This was a special moment. A holy moment. A sacred moment. These were special tears from special moments with special people. Because these were moments with people who understood that it’s not complicated at all. It’s what we are called to do. It’s how others experience the Kingdom of God through us. It’s the love of the Good Friday cross...that says you are worth it...to the only One who matters, you were worth it. 

And the most beautiful part is what follows, the power of the Sunday resurrection...that says the One that deems you worthy can conquer anything that you could ever possibly face...including death. The two greatest gifts of all time, the cross and the empty tomb…for you. No matter who you are, no matter what you face, no matter what your neighbor or society or  culture say about you...the story was already written, simply because of love. And the love that He has for you, causes Him to use others in your life...motivated and inspired by the same love that He had for them. 

So there is a really simple decision for you to make...over the noise, over the dreams, the accomplishments, and the recognition...to just follow Him...by losing yourself...to give someone what they need. And then to celebrate the resurrection every day, in any way that it presents itself by just loving your neighbor. Take the time...answer the phone call, give the hug, share the money, deliver the food, say the prayer...with the person, and by all means, write the letter. In doing so, you are sharing the message of the Kingdom. You are following Him.

Adam Walker