“Engaging Community…Transforming Lives.”
Our goal through our ministries at Two Fish is to strengthen communities by helping people transform into the best possible version of themselves. We believe that God created all of us to transform more and more into the likeness of Jesus through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We are all becoming something greater and what really matters to God is what we are becoming.
We believe our humanity has five basic needs: spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and mental. And we believe that at different times in our lives, all of us need ministering to different parts of our humanity. In order for me to become the best possible version of myself, there must be balance in my life according to these basic needs. In some seasons of my life I may need a heavier focus on physical needs. In another season, a heavier focus on emotional needs, etc.
The point is, to become the best version of myself, all of these needs must be met. Therefore, all of these needs must be ministered to in our communities. Our desire is to engage the community to minister to the needs of the community in every possible, available way.