Serve Day

Serve Day always brings a crowd. I’ve never really been a guy who was impressed with numbers, but some people need that. I don’t mind. I do think it’s pretty awesome to see a crowd come out to do something for someone else or for the community. And I am grateful they choose to come to MXR. It’s our community that wins when they come. It’s the children that win. That’s what matters. 

What really matters to me is the stories that come out of Serve Day. You can always count on God delivering some kind of way. It may be for one or for many, but God has a special way of delivering when people put down their own personal agendas and dedicate time to do something for someone else. 

Last year it came in a form few could recognize. I was contacted about a group coming to House of the Harvest. Because of numbers, I encouraged them to go to MXR. The people that worked that day inspired the principal of that school with their energy, their spirit, and their desire to make a difference for a school they had no connection to. As a result, she found a home with their church. Her family found a home with their church. And it came at a much needed time. Just a few short months later her family would experience tragedy. No one needs to experience tragedy without a church home. Funny how God calls and sends...even when we aren’t aware. 

Last year, Serve Day held a secret blessing for her. This year it was for me. I was surrounded by friends from our past. Most notably a father whose son I was blessed to coach for a year. It was a special year. A year that ended with me being able to share in his decision to commit to Jesus. That was the most amazing thing I ever experienced as a coach. I don't see that ever changing. 

His father came out and worked all day. About the time everyone was finishing up and heading out, I tried to give him a pass. He had been pressure washing for three hours. I said, “This is a good stopping point.” He replied, “I am going to finish this up. I don't have anywhere to be.”

Talk about Serve Day. I opened the door for him to leave. But he came to do the job...and do it right. And he was going to finish, without taking any shortcuts. And it really had no bearing on him. I mean he had no affiliation with the school. He wasn’t the administrator who is concerned about the appearance to the community, or the alumni who takes pride in his alma mater. He wasn’t the parent whose child walks across that car rider line, or the teacher who stands out there for duty. He was just the guy who came to the school to serve. And the guy who believed in doing the job right and doing the job well. And I think that says something about a man’s character. It must be a man of tremendous character that will do as good a job taking care of your stuff as we would his own. In fact, Jesus said it like this, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

And as if that wasn’t enough, he stuck around after everyone left. And it was just me and him. And he said, “If it’s ok with you, I would like to come out here once a week, maybe every Saturday and give you four hours. Whatever I can do to help out. Doing that really impacted me.”

What you did really impacted me too. Impacted me greatly. I should say what God did through you actually. Only the Spirit of God would do what I witnessed today. 

Two years in a row now we have had a group out on Serve Day. Two years in a row now God has used it for His impact someone else. I can’t wait until next year. 

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31

Adam Walker